Tuesday, October 25, 2016

As a lottery millionaire, I'd still make Jordans my main buy

BHSB Journalism Student

Knowing what to do when you win the lottery doesn’t have to be complicated.

First you have to know how to win big, then you have to know how to hang onto your cash. Only at that point can you focus on your Jordans.

To win big, I would choose the MegaMillions with Power Ball. I would have a system where I would pick the same numbers each drawing. These numbers would represent my birthday and anniversary.

I wouldn’t want to be presented on the news as the person who had won the lottery. After all, what happens if someone tries to steal from me?

A lot of people would advise that I hire a security detail. I wouldn’t do that. How do I know they wouldn't turn against me?

For security, I might get a big safe and fill it with all the money I don’t want to spend.

As for the rest of the cash, I'd give some to children who are fighting cancer, and some to my family. Since I have 10 siblings, that should certainly use plenty up.

Lottery goal: a new pair of Jordans
With the money I have left, I would think of my feet – and buy them a pair of Jordans.

I would also buy clothes and lots of food for a feast. For that shopping spree, I would take my girlfriend, my sister Nye Jada and Destiny with me – because those are the closest people to me.

Then again, with friends like I have, who needs the lottery?

Torres: Rich tastes
Cynthia Torres says she's a "wonderful" student who's dream is to save animals. She also says she has a crazy craving to eat a giant jar of Nutella and crab legs. Are we talking Nutella-covered crab legs? Now that's rich.

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