Thursday, October 27, 2016

Schooling "a must" even with lottery windfall

BHSB Journalism Student

There are a lot of benefits that come from playing the lottery – and the biggest is that you get rich!

The first big question you face is: Which lottery do you play? I would play one that gives a lot of money. Even though there is a higher chance of winning when you play a game that gives less money, I would still go for the game that gives a big jackpot.

If I played and won the lottery, I would allow a story to appear in the newspaper. What I would tell reporters? Well, I’d say the reason I chose to play the lottery is that – if I were to win – I could help out people in my family. I could also help pay for things I want to accomplish in my future.

Sorry, but I would not give to charities because I would rather help out my family first.

I would give some of the money I won to certain friends that I trust. 

I would invest my money in family businesses. If any of my family members have a business I would invest in them.
Fun part

And now to the fun part: If I won the lottery, I would get some immediate purchases like a new car and things to help me out on reaching my dream job.

I would not quit school or my job; I would keep working because that’s extra money (even though I would have millions!).

I would keep on going to school because I still need my education.

Shade Heard was named after the singer Sade, though Shade clearly spells her name differently. She’s ambitious but keeps changing her mind about what she wants to be. She wanted to be a cosmetologist, then a pediatrician. Winning the lottery will do just fine, too!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Gosh. I don't know where I would start if I won the lottery. You're giving us all something to think about if that lucky day ever comes!
