Friday, October 21, 2016

Darlington: Too many unnecessary deaths

Children amid the chaos of war in Syria. Stephen Darlington highlights a worldwide need for doctors (AFP)

BHSB Journalism Student

Many people in the world are fighting and killing others, the news says. These people are taking away adults and children, and killing them.

Doctors save people from dying, and I want to do the same. 

I also want to help in situations that are closer to home. My grandfather was sick, and the doctor couldn’t help him, so he died.

We don’t have anyone among our family and friends who is a doctor. Could I have saved my grandfather? I believe I could have. I am going to become the best doctor in the world.

A doctor is a medical professional who is “concerned with promoting, maintaining or restoring health through study, diagnosis and treatment,” my research on the Internet shows.

To become a doctor, you must study every day, and then graduate from high school. You must have five or more subjects, and then you take a test. I am going to take this test and pass it.

You must next go to college and get a degree. You would have to study a lot more, and then go to medical school.

I would like to study in Paris or New York. I would then look for a job that paid me a good amount of money for a beginner.

Poor and hungry

In school, I like sciences. Swimming and playing football are my sports. But when I move on from here, I want to save people’s lives so that no one has to die unnecessarily again. 

The news never stops with reports of suffering. One news item told how more than 100 people were killed in less than a day. Some of them died because they could not get medical help. There were some doctors, but they could not save all the people.

Other news reports show people are killing people because they are poor and hungry. They kill people for their things.

In the world, there are just too many people dying who should be living. If I can stop it from happening, I will.  

Darlington: Ambition to help sick as a doctor
Stephen Darlington is 14 years of age. He is a dedicated student who works quietly, but holds the strong belief that "too many people are dying in the world" in fights that are not necessary. 

1 comment:

  1. Such tragedy around the world. Thank you for highlighting the sad things that are happening, and helping so many more people to become aware. What noble goals you have.
