Monday, October 31, 2016

If I won that kind of money...
My jackpot game plan

ANZURES: YOUNGEST EVER LOTTERY WINNER (at least, that's what I'd hope to be).

BHSB Journalism Student

The lottery is all about winning and that’s what attracts people to it. Some of the biggest prizes can be upward of several hundred million dollars. That gets my attention.

If I won that kind of money...

...I would buy everything that my family and I need. For example, I would buy the biggest house in the neighborhood – so big that all my loved ones could live there and have a place to stay.

...And I would buy the house away from the hood – because it’s a bad place to keep the people you love safe.

If I won that kind of money...

...I would invest some of my winnings to pay for college, because I would want to accomplish what my mother had set up for me. That is, to finish school and get my education.

...I would also give some of the prize money to my friends – but only to the ones that I really feel deserve the cash.

Financial advisor

If I won that kind of money...

...I would hire a financial advisor because I would not like to spend my money on stupid things. My financial advisor could tell me what would be smart to buy and what wouldn’t. I would also make him or her help me with the investments.

I worry that if I didn't hire a financial advisor, I would spend the winnings on only clothes, sneakers, food, and my immediate needs.

If I won that kind of money,...

...I would take the winnings after I’m at least 18 years old. I know that people struggle the most when they are under 18, and so I fear that I would spend or lose the money all at once.

If I won that kind of money...

...I would keep my family away from the news and news reporters because I wouldn't like people targeting or going after my loved ones. I think that publicity would be bad because people might want to kidnap a family member, and demand money in return for releasing him or her.

If I won that kind of money – and if charities came knocking at my door...

...I would give money to them. That’s because, in that moment, I would think they need the money for children or people who need it.

Most importantly, if I won that kind of money...

...I would store some of it in case I ran out after spending it in all the ways I have revealed to you.

Jeffrey Anzures loves learning about the past, so Global History is his favorite subject. Then again, he also likes challenges, so Math is also tops with him. Jeffrey intends to post news about his school, opinions, and news about his community.

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