Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Chalay's hair for YOU
Specialist in three styles

Greene: Wouldn't forget her Bronx roots even if she attains her goal of being a stylist to America's big stars.

BHSB Journalism Student

It all began at my grandma’s house…

I was 11 or 12 years old. My grandma asked me if I would like to learn how to braid. At the time I didn’t know how to braid so I let her teach me how to.

At first I didn’t really understand what she was doing and what made the braid stay to her head. Every time I went home I practiced braiding and I still couldn't do it.

So I called my grandma and she told me that, as I braid the hair back, I have to pick up a little bit of hair each time.

I practiced the way she told me and eventually I got the hang of it. And I liked braiding.

Grandma's approval

When I finally learned how to do it correctly, the first person I tried it on was my grandma. She said it came out “good.” After that day I never stopped braiding.

I don’t know exactly how many people it was, but many people would ask me to braid their hair last year and this year. It was then that I realized I could start a business doing this.

I would get my working papers and apply for a part-time job at a hair salon for more experience in doing hair.

If I were to get the job then, every time I'd get paid, I would save half of it and, hopefully, when I get older, I will be able to open up a hair salon and start my business.

I plan to create a business in the Bronx – somewhere downtown where there are many people.

The three hair styles I am best at are straight, curly, and braids.

I do think that maybe in the future – or even maybe now – I would try to create a new hairstyle that will interest many people.

Manhattan Location

As my business begins to grow, I can see myself expanding it and opening up a salon in a different borough – Manhattan, for instance.

I could also see myself expanding to somewhere like 125th Street in Harlem or to 42nd Street in Manhattan's Midtown – because the streets are always full of people, and I would want to make it easy for customers to see my business.

It is somewhat my dream to be a celebrity hair-stylist – but I would honestly enjoy doing any and everyone’s hair.

Chalay Greene wants eventually to be able to say she “achieved something really great in life." So far, Chalay is most proud of graduating from middle school, where she played many sports, including her favorite, soccer. Chalay lives with her mother and eight-year-old brother.

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