Thursday, November 24, 2016

Mercado: My lottery donor plan
Help the poor first

Marcardo says he would use his lottery win to help the poor and also children

BHSB Journalism Student

There are people in need all over the world. We even have poor people in the United States. Lottery winners suddenly get a lot of money. They should give some to charities.

If I won the lottery, I would give half it to children’s charities so that the kids who are helped by them can have a better life. It would make me feel happy.

I would also build a home for the homeless, and buy the homeless clothes and some other things, like food.

I would help the people who really need help -- especially ones who would like to see the doctor or get some bones fixed, or something like that.

I would put myself in the newspaper because, as a teenager, I would be news as the youngest kid (age 14) to win the lottery.

I wouldn’t need a financial advisor because I would do it myself.

I would give some to my friends if they needed it. And I would give some to the poor. I would help them out by giving them lots of money. I would do a lot of good things with the lottery money I get.

Stay in school

But I would not quit school or my job because, what if I lose the money? So I would have a back-up plan.

There is so much you can do with the lottery money that you win. Plus you can buy a lot of things for your family and friends.

With the money l get from the lottery, I could do things like help my family out. I could buy new things for myself and my family. I would help them out by giving them a lot of money.

I would buy a big house for my family, and I would buy my little cousin new toys and other fun things like that.

If someone had a sad story and needed help, I would help because I wouldn't want to feel bad if it is really true.

I would try the lottery 10 times to see if I could win. I would play the same numbers.

I would choose a lottery where the odds of winning are the highest.

Advice to others who win the lottery

If you win you can also help me with the money you get from the lottery.

And if we both win, we can give people in need some of our own money – the money that we get from the lottery –  so those people can get a better life.

We could save some people from dying if we give them some money from our lottery for their doctor visits. We could save people's lives or help a homeless man or help your friends with something they need.

There are a lot of things you could do with the money you get.

I want to help lot of people with the money I get.

Casper Mercado is proud of his family. Outside school, he enjoys playing video games, reading books or going to the park. He especially likes to watch Anime — the Japanese hand-drawn or computer animation stories.

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